I read about Meagan Chaney’s 30 Minute Challenge today and thought I’d give it a go. I normally don’t have a lot of studio time after work anyway, so I thought I’d find out what I can really get done in just 30 minutes.
Not counting setup and teardown/cleanup, I made 3 small guinomi / tea / wine / saki cups, and one large 11″ bowl.
What I learned was:
1) Loafer’s Glory is a little less forgiving than Little Loafers. I clearly need more practice time with this new body.
2) Doing a time challenge with a new clay body you’re not used to is clearly a bad idea.
3) Even with the difficulties, I was happy with what I got done, and had a lot of fun too!
So, if you’re not up to Mr Kline’s 12 by 12 challenge, give Meagan’s 30 Minute Challenge a try!